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Cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) in intact and ileorectal anastomosed pigs Martins, J. M., M. Riottot, et al. (2005), J Lipid Res 46(7): 1539-47. Abstract: The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of cholesterol-enriched casein (CAS) and blue lupin seed (BL) diets on the cholesterol metabolism of intact (INT) and ileorectal anastomosed (IRA) pigs. For 3 weeks, four groups of six pigs were allocated to the treatments (CAS-INT, CAS-IRA, BL-INT, and BL-IRA). Diet-induced hypercholesterolemia was inhibited by the BL through a substantial decrease in plasma LDL-cholesterol. The BL also reduced liver esterified and total cholesterol, increased hepatic LDL receptor synthesis and HMG-CoA reductase activity, and stimulated intestinal bile acid reabsorption. The neutral sterol output was higher in BL- than in CAS-fed pigs. The bile acid output was lower in IRA than in INT pigs. Surgery also prevented steroid microbial transformation, but it did not influence plasma cholesterol levels. These results suggest that the hypocholesterolemic effect of the BL, compared with the CAS, is attributable to impaired intestinal cholesterol absorption, probably involving increased bile acid reabsorption and higher contents of dietary phytosterols, both factors that reduce the micellar solubilization of cholesterol. Furthermore, according to our data, the contribution of the large intestine to cholesterol metabolism is very weak. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis Brown, L., B. Rosner, et al. (1999), Am J Clin Nutr 69(1): 30-42. Abstract: BACKGROUND: The effects of dietary soluble fibers on blood cholesterol are uncertain. OBJECTIVE: This meta-analysis of 67 controlled trials was performed to quantify the cholesterol-lowering effect of major dietary fibers. DESIGN: Least-squares regression analyses were used to test the effect on blood lipids of pectin, oat bran, guar gum, and psyllium. Independent variables were type and amount of soluble fiber, initial cholesterol concentration, and other important study characteristics. RESULTS: Soluble fiber, 2-10 g/d, was associated with small but significant decreases in total cholesterol -0.045 mmol L(-1).g soluble fiber(-1) (95% CI: -0.054, -0.035) and LDL cholesterol -0.057 mmol.L(-1).g(-1) (95% CI: -0.070, -0.044). The effects on plasma lipids of soluble fiber from oat, psyllium, or pectin were not significantly different. We were unable to compare effects of guar because of the limited number of studies using 2-10 g/d. Triacylglycerols and HDL cholesterol were not significantly influenced by soluble fiber. Lipid changes were independent of study design, treatment length, and background dietary fat content. CONCLUSIONS: Various soluble fibers reduce total and LDL cholesterol by similar amounts. The effect is small within the practical range of intake. For example, 3 g soluble fiber from oats (3 servings of oatmeal, 28 g each) can decrease total and LDL cholesterol by approximately 0.13 mmol/L. Increasing soluble fiber can make only a small contribution to dietary therapy to lower cholesterol. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of garlic? Jacob, B. G. and P. Schwandt (1992), Dtsch Med Wochenschr 117(10): 397-8. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of guar gum: changes in bile acid pools and intestinal reabsorption Moriceau, S., C. Besson, et al. (2000), Lipids 35(4): 437-44. Abstract: Soluble fibers such as guar gum (GG) may exert cholesterol-lowering effects. It is generally accepted that bile acid (BA) reabsorption in portal blood is reduced, thus limiting the capacity of BA to down-regulate liver cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme of BA synthesis. In the present work, rats were adapted to fiber-free (FF) or 5% GG diets (supplemented or not with 0.25% cholesterol), to investigate various aspects of enterohepatic BA cycling. GG in the diet at a level of 5% elicited a significant lowering of plasma cholesterol during the absorptive period, in cholesterol-free (-13%) or 0.25% cholesterol (-20%) diet conditions. In rats adapted to the GG diets, the small intestinal and cecal BA pools and the ileal vein-artery difference for BA were markedly enhanced; reabsorption in the cecal vein was also enhanced in these rats. 14CTaurocholate absorption, determined in perfused ileal segments, was not significantly different in rats adapted to the FF or GG diet, suggesting that a greater flux of BA in the ileum might support a greater ileal BA reabsorption in rats adapted to the GG diet. In contrast, capacities for 14Ccholate absorption from the cecum at pH 6.5 were higher in rats adapted to the GG diet than to the FF diet. Acidification of the bulk medium in isolated cecum (from pH 7.1 down to pH 6.5 or 5.8) or addition of 100 mM volatile fatty acids was also found to stimulate cecal 14Ccholate absorption. These factors could contribute to accelerated cecal BA absorption in rats fed the GG diet. The effects of GG on steroid fecal excretion thus appear to accompany a greater intestinal BA absorption and portal flux to the liver. These results suggest that some mechanisms invoked to explain cholesterol-lowering effect of fibers should be reconsidered. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of high-protein soya milk Griffin, B. A. (1999), Br J Nutr 82(2): 79-80. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of maitake (Grifola frondosa) fiber, shiitake (Lentinus edodes) fiber, and enokitake (Flammulina velutipes) fiber in rats Fukushima, M., T. Ohashi, et al. (2001), Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 226(8): 758-65. Abstract: The effects of mushroom fibers on serum cholesterol and hepatic low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor mRNA in rats were investigated. Rats were fed a cholesterol-free diet with 50 g/kg cellulose powder (CP), 50 g/kg maitake (Grifola frondosa) fiber (MAF), 50 g/kg shiitake (Lentinus edodes) fiber (SF), or 50 g/kg enokitake (Flammulina velutipes) fiber (EF) for 4 weeks. There were no significant differences in the body weight, food intake, liver weight, cecum weight, and cecum pH among the groups. Cecal acetic acid, butyric acid, and total short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations in the SF and EF groups were significantly higher than those in the other groups. The serum total cholesterol concentration in the CP group was significantly higher than that in the MAF and EF groups. The very LDL (VLDL) + intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL) + LDL-cholesterol concentration in the CP group was significantly higher than that in the MAF, SF, and EF groups, whereas the high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol concentration in the EF group was significantly lower than that in the other groups at the end of the 4-week feeding period. The hepatic LDL receptor mRNA level in the EF group was significantly higher than that in the CP group. The fecal cholesterol excretion in the MAF, SF, and EF groups was significantly higher than that in the CP group. The results of this study demonstrate that MAF and EF lowered the serum total cholesterol level by enhancement of fecal cholesterol excretion, and in particular, by enhancement of hepatic LDL receptor mRNA in EF group. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of modified animal fats in postmenopausal women Labat, J. B., M. C. Martini, et al. (1997), J Am Coll Nutr 16(6): 570-7. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: In an attempt to improve the nutritional value of animal fats (including milkfat and lard), two technological approaches (i.e., cholesterol removal by steam distillation and linoleic acid enrichment by addition of safflower oil) were tested for cholesterolemic effects in a cohort of 29 older women (age 68 +/- 7 years). METHODS: Test fat sources were incorporated into crackers, cookies, cheese, ice cream, whipped topping, sour cream, baking shortening, and table spreads. Subjects were permanent residents of a convent where meals were prepared in a centralized kitchen, allowing test fats to be provided in daily food menu items. The foods containing test fats were introduced into three sequential dietary treatment periods, each lasting 4 weeks, in the following order: cholesterol-reduced animal fat (CRAF): fatty-acid modified, cholesterol-reduced animal fat (FAMCRAF); and-unaltered animal fat (AF). Subjects were offered menu items cafeteria style and encouraged to make food selections consistent with their habitual diets, which were recorded daily. RESULTS: Fasted blood lipid profiles determined at the end of each treatment period showed that FAMCRAF reduced mean plasma total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B concentrations relative to AF (p < 0.05). Mean HDL cholesterol concentrations were not influenced by diet. DISCUSSION: Relative to native products, animal fats modified by cholesterol removal and linoleic acid enrichment reduced plasma total and LDL cholesterol concentrations in a predictable manner similar to that based on studies of men. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of NTE-122, a novel acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitor, on cholesterol diet-fed rats and rabbits Azuma, Y., T. Kawasaki, et al. (1998), Jpn J Pharmacol 78(3): 355-64. Abstract: Pharmacological characterization of NTE-122 (trans-1,4-bis1-cyclohexyl-3-(4-dimethylamino phenyl)ureidomethylcyclohexane), a novel acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitor, was performed with both in vitro and in vivo assay systems. NTE-122 inhibited microsomal ACAT activities of various tissues (liver of rabbit and rat, small intestine of rabbit and rat, and aorta of rabbit) and cultured cells (HepG2 and CaCo-2), with IC50 values from 1.2 to 9.6 nM. The inhibition mode of NTE-122 was competitive for HepG2 ACAT. NTE-122 had no effect on other lipid metabolizing enzymes, such as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, acyl-CoA synthetase, cholesterol esterase, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase, acyl-CoA:sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase and cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase up to 10 microM. When NTE-122 was administered to the cholesterol diet-fed rats, serum and liver cholesterol levels were markedly reduced with an ED50 of 0.12 and 0.44 mg/kg/day, respectively. In the cholesterol diet-fed rabbits, NTE-122 significantly lowered plasma and liver cholesterol levels at more than 2 mg/kg/day. These results indicate that NTE-122 is a potent, selective and competitive inhibitor of ACAT, making it a worth while therapeutic agent for hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterol esters and non-esterified stanols in margarine, butter and low-fat foods Nestel, P., M. Cehun, et al. (2001), Eur J Clin Nutr 55(12): 1084-90. Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy on plasma cholesterol-lowering of plant sterol esters or non-esterified stanols eaten within low-fat foods as well as margarine. DESIGN: Randomised, controlled, single-blind study with sterol esters and non-esterified plant stanols provided in breakfast cereal, bread and spreads. Study 1 comprised 12 weeks during which sterol esters (2.4 g) and stanol (2.4 g)-containing foods were eaten during 4 week test periods of cross-over design following a 4 week control food period. In Study 2, in a random order cross-over design, a 50% dairy fat spread with or without 2.4 g sterol esters daily was tested. SUBJECTS: Hypercholesterolaemic subjects; 22 in study 1 and 15 in study 2. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Plasma lipids, plasma sterols, plasma carotenoids and tocopherols. RESULTS: Study 1-median LDL cholesterol was reduced by the sterol esters (-13.6%; P<0.001 by ANOVA on ranks; P<0.05 by pairwise comparison) and by stanols (-8.3%; P=0.003, ANOVA and <0.05 pairwise comparison). With sterol esters plasma plant sterol levels rose (35% for sitosterol, 51% for campesterol; P<0.001); plasma lathosterol rose 20% (P=0.03), indicating compensatory increased cholesterol synthesis. With stanols, plasma sitosterol fell 22% (P=0.004), indicating less cholesterol absorption. None of the four carotenoids measured in plasma changed significantly. In study 2, median LDL cholesterol rose 6.5% with dairy spread and fell 12.2% with the sitosterol ester fortified spread (P=0.03 ANOVA and <5% pairwise comparison). CONCLUSION: 1. Plant sterol esters and non-esterified stanols, two-thirds of which were incorporated into low-fat foods, contributed effectively to LDL cholesterol lowering, extending the range of potential foods. 2. The LDL cholesterol-raising effect of butter fat could be countered by including sterol esters. 3. Plasma carotenoids and tocopherols were not reduced in this study. SPONSORSHIP: Meadow Lea Foods, Australia. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterol esters differ in milk, yoghurt, bread and cereal Clifton, P. M., M. Noakes, et al. (2004), Eur J Clin Nutr 58(3): 503-9. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To measure the relative effects of each of four phytosterol ester-enriched low-fat foods (bread, breakfast cereal, milk and yoghurt) on serum lipids, plasma phytosterols and carotenoids. DESIGN: Three research centres undertook a randomised, incomplete crossover, single-blind study consisting of four treatment periods of 3 weeks each, one of which was a control period. Each sterol-enriched test food provided 1.6 g/day of phytosterols as sterol esters. SETTING: General Community. SUBJECTS: In all 58, free-living men and women with mean age (s.d.) 54 (8) y, moderately elevated plasma total cholesterol 6.2 (0.7) mmol/l and body mass index 26.2 (3.0) kg/m(2). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum lipids, plasma phytosterols and carotenoids. RESULTS: Serum total and LDL cholesterol levels were significantly lowered by consumption of phytosterol-enriched foods: milk (8.7 and 15.9%) and yoghurt (5.6 and 8.6%). Serum LDL cholesterol levels fell significantly by 6.5% with bread and 5.4% with cereal. They were both significantly less efficacious than sterol-enriched milk (P<0.001). Plasma sitosterol increased by 17-23% and campesterol by 48-52% with phytosterol-enriched milk and bread. Lipid-adjusted beta-carotene was lowered by 5-10% by sterols in bread and milk, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to demonstrate that cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterol esters may differ according to the food matrix. Plant sterols in low-fat milk was almost three times more effective than in bread and cereal. Despite phytosterol-enriched cereal products resulting in lower serum cholesterol reductions compared to sterol-enriched milk, the detection of similar changes in plasma phytosterols demonstrated that such products still delivered and released phytosterols to the gut. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of policosanol in rabbits Arruzazabala, M. L., D. Carbajal, et al. (1994), Biol Res 27(3-4): 205-8. Abstract: Policosanol is a natural mixture of higher primary aliphatic alcohols isolated and purified from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum, L.) wax, whose main component is octacosanol. Policosanol (5-200 mg/kg) orally administered for 4 weeks to normocholesterolemic New Zealand rabbits significantly reduced total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) serum levels in a dose dependent manner. Serum triglyceride levels of treated and control animals were significantly different, but the reduction observed was not dose-dependent. High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels remained unchanged. Results indicate that the reduction in total cholesterol values induced by policosanol is mainly mediated through a decrease in LDL-C levels. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium intake adjunctive to diet therapy in men and women with hypercholesterolemia: meta-analysis of 8 controlled trials Anderson, J. W., L. D. Allgood, et al. (2000), Am J Clin Nutr 71(2): 472-9. Abstract: BACKGROUND: Soluble fibers, including those from psyllium husk, have been shown to augment the cholesterol-lowering effects of a low-fat diet in persons with hypercholesterolemia. As evidence of this, the US Food and Drug Administration recently authorized the use of health claims on food products containing soluble fiber from psyllium that state that they are associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease. OBJECTIVE: This meta-analysis was conducted to more precisely define the hypolipidemic effects and safety of psyllium when used adjunctive to a low-fat diet in men and women with hypercholesterolemia. DESIGN: The 8 studies in the meta-analysis included a total of 384 and 272 subjects receiving psyllium or cellulose placebo, respectively. All studies evaluated the hypocholesterolemic effects of 10.2 g psyllium/d adjunctive to a low-fat diet for >/=8 wk in individuals with mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia after a low-fat diet lead-in phase lasting >/=8 wk. The safety and adverse events associated with psyllium consumption were summarized from pooled data of 19 clinical studies ranging from 6 wk to 6 mo in duration. RESULTS: Consumption of 10.2 g psyllium/d lowered serum total cholesterol by 4% (P < 0.0001), LDL cholesterol by 7% (P < 0.0001), and the ratio of apolipoprotein (apo) B to apo A-I by 6% (P < 0.05) relative to placebo in subjects already consuming a low-fat diet, with no effect on serum HDL or triacylglycerol concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Psyllium supplementation significantly lowered serum total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in subjects consuming a low-fat diet. Psyllium is well tolerated and safe when used adjunctive to a low-fat diet in individuals with mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium seed associated with urea metabolism Segawa, K., T. Kataoka, et al. (1998), Biol Pharm Bull 21(2): 184-7. Abstract: Twenty-eight mild hypercholesterolemic male and female adults were orally administered psyllium seed for 3 months. After psyllium treatment, the serum total cholesterol, low-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol and atherogenic index significantly decreased, but levels of high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol, triglyceride and urea nitrogen did not. To determine the parameters associated with the cholesterol-lowering effect in the subjects' backgrounds, both biochemical and hematological parameters, we statistically examined the correlation between pretreatment parameters and the absolute change of total cholesterol level. The absolute change of total cholesterol level showed a direct correlation with the triglyceride level at pretreatment (r=0.41, P=0.03) and had an inverse correlation with urea nitrogen level (r=-0.46, P=0.01) but not with the total cholesterol level (r=-0.18). The change in urea nitrogen level had an inverse correlation with the urea nitrogen level itself at pretreatment (r=-0.82, P=7 x 10-8) and had a direct correlation with the triglyceride level (r=0.43, P=0.02). The change in triglyceride level had an inverse correlation with the urea nitrogen level (r=-0.48, P=0.008). Furthermore, the change in total cholesterol level had direct correlations with changes in the triglyceride level (r=0.56, P=0.002) and the urea nitrogen level (r=0.51, P=0.006), but these changes in triglyceride and urea nitrogen level did not correlate significantly. These findings suggest the close association of urea nitrogen and lipid metabolism in hyperlipidemia and psyllium seed treatment. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium-enriched cereal as an adjunct to a prudent diet in the treatment of mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia Anderson, J. W., S. Riddell-Mason, et al. (1992), Am J Clin Nutr 56(1): 93-8. Abstract: Psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid, rich in soluble fiber, significantly lowers serum cholesterol concentrations. To investigate the lipid-lowering effects of a ready-to-eat cereal enriched with psyllium, we studied 44 hypercholesterolemic ambulatory individuals for 7 wk, using a randomized, double-blind, parallel design. After a 1-wk baseline period, subjects were randomly assigned to consume 114 g/d of a psyllium-flake or wheat-bran-flake cerearl for 6 wk adjunctive to an American Heart Association Step I diet. Serum high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides remained unchanged throughout the study; however, serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) concentrations were significantly lower on psyllium than on wheat-bran cereal. Additionally, serum total and LDL cholesterol values were significantly lower than baseline values in the psyllium group. The dietary nutrient intake of the two groups did not differ except for soluble fiber. Adding psyllium-enriched cereal to a prudent low-fat diet may enhance dietary management of hypercholesterolemia. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of ready-to-eat cereal containing psyllium Stoy, D. B., J. C. LaRosa, et al. (1993), J Am Diet Assoc 93(8): 910-2. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of soluble-fiber cereals as part of a prudent diet for patients with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia Bell, L. P., K. J. Hectorn, et al. (1990), Am J Clin Nutr 52(6): 1020-6. Abstract: Soluble-fiber breakfast cereals were examined for their cholesterol-lowering ability in 58 male patients with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Patients followed a step 1 diet for a minimum of 6 wk, then were randomly assigned to groups incorporating either corn flakes or one of two soluble-fiber cereals (pectin enriched or psyllium enriched) in the diet for an additional 6 wk. During the diet-only phase, total cholesterol dropped 3.8%. During the cereal-plus-diet phase, total and LDL cholesterol values of the pectin-enriched cereal group dropped an additional 2.1% (P = 0.243) and 3.9% (P = 0.16), respectively, and they dropped 5.9% (P = 0.005) and 5.7% (P = 0.034), respectively, in the psyllium-enriched cereal group. During the cereal-plus-diet phase, no significant effects on HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, or body weight were found within or between any cereal groups. These results support use of soluble-fiber cereals as an effective and well-tolerated part of a prudent diet in the treatment of mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia. |
Cholesterol-lowering effects of soybean, potato and rice proteins depend on their low methionine contents in rats fed a cholesterol-free purified diet Morita, T., A. Oh-hashi, et al. (1997), J Nutr 127(3): 470-7. Abstract: Rats were fed cholesterol-free purified diets containing casein, rice (RP), potato (PP) or soybean (SP) proteins having different amounts of methionine (25.9, 21.3, 16.2 and 10.9 g methionine/kg, respectively). Each protein was fed at 250 g/kg diet for 14 d. Growth rates of rats were the same in all groups. Serum total cholesterol concentrations were lower in rats fed SP, PP and RP than in those fed casein. Fecal bile acid plus neutral steroid excretion was significantly higher in rats fed the RP, PP and SP diets compared with those fed casein. There was a significant negative correlation between serum cholesterol concentration and fecal total steroid excretion (r = -0.490, P = 0.01). However, a stronger positive correlation was observed between serum cholesterol concentration and dietary methionine concentration (r = 0.674, P = 0.0003) or methionine:glycine ratios (r = 0.656, P = 0.0005). In a separate experiment in rats fed diets containing amino acid mixtures simulating the RP, PP and SP diets, serum total cholesterol concentrations were lower than in rats fed simulated casein. Fecal total steroid excretion was the same in all groups. A strong correlation was found between serum cholesterol concentration and dietary methionine concentration (r = 0.743, P = 0.0002) or the methionine:glycine ratio (r = 0.685, P = 0.0009) in rats fed the amino acid mixtures. Finally, we examined the hypocholesterolemic effects of 250 g SP or casein/kg diet with or without supplementation with 0.3 g/100 g sodium taurocholate (TC). Supplementation with TC did not alter the hypocholesterolemic effect of SP. These results support the view that RP, PP and SP lower serum cholesterol concentration in a similar manner. |
Cholesterol-lowering efficacy of a sitostanol-containing phytosterol mixture with a prudent diet in hyperlipidemic men Jones, P. J., F. Y. Ntanios, et al. (1999), Am J Clin Nutr 69(6): 1144-50. Abstract: BACKGROUND: Dietary plant sterols (phytosterols) have been shown to lower plasma lipid concentrations in animals and humans. However, the effect of phytosterol intake from tall oil on cholesterol and phytosterol metabolism has not been assessed in subjects fed precisely controlled diets. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to examine the effects of sitostanol-containing phytosterols on plasma lipid and phytosterol concentrations and de novo cholesterol synthesis rate in the context of a controlled diet. DESIGN: Thirty-two hypercholesterolemic men were fed either a diet of prepared foods alone or a diet containing 1.7 g phytosterols/d for 30 d in a parallel study design. RESULTS: No overall effects of diet on total cholesterol concentrations were observed, although concentrations were lower with the phytosterol-enriched than with the control diet on day 30 (P < 0.05). LDL-cholesterol concentrations on day 30 had decreased by 8.9% (P < 0.01) and 24.4% (P < 0.001) with the control and phytosterol-enriched diets, respectively. HDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations did not change significantly. Moreover, changes in circulating campesterol and beta-sitosterol concentrations were not significantly different between phytosterol-fed and control subjects. In addition, there were no significant differences in fractional (0.091 +/- 0.028 and 0.091 +/- 0.026 pool/d, respectively) or absolute (0.61 +/- 0.24 and 0.65 +/- 0.23 g/d, respectively) synthesis rates of cholesterol observed between control and phytosterol-fed subjects. CONCLUSION: Addition of blended phytosterols to a prudent North American diet improved plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations by mechanisms that did not result in significant changes in endogenous cholesterol synthesis in hypercholesterolemic men. |
Cholesterol-lowering in hamsters fed rice bran at various levels, defatted rice bran and rice bran oil Kahlon, T. S., F. I. Chow, et al. (1992), J Nutr 122(3): 513-9. Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the relative cholesterol-lowering effects of several levels of full-fat rice bran in hamsters. In addition, the separate effects of defatted rice bran and/or crude rice bran oil were investigated at levels equivalent to those present in 43.7% full-fat rice bran. Diets containing 10.9, 21.8, 32.8 or 43.7% full-fat rice bran, 35% defatted rice bran and/or 9% rice bran oil were fed to 4-wk-old male hamsters. All diets contained 10% total dietary fiber, 9% fat and 3.2% nitrogen; hypercholesterolemic diets contained 0.3% cholesterol; two diets were cholesterol-free, i.e., 10% cellulose and 43.7% full-fat rice bran. After 21 d, plasma and liver cholesterol, plasma triglycerides and liver weights were significantly greater in hamsters fed the 10% cellulose diet with 0.3% cholesterol compared with those fed the cholesterol-free cellulose diet. In animals fed cholesterol-free diets, plasma cholesterol values were significantly lower in those fed the 43.7% full-fat rice bran diet than in those fed the cellulose diet. In animals fed cholesterol-containing diets, plasma and liver cholesterol were significantly lower in animals fed the 43.7% full-fat rice bran diet than in those fed the cellulose diet. Plasma cholesterol reductions were significantly correlated to the level of rice bran in the diet. In cholesterol-fed hamsters, total liver cholesterol content was significantly lower in those fed the defatted rice bran diet with rice bran oil compared with those fed the cellulose diet. Full-fat rice bran was the only treatment that significantly lowered both plasma and liver cholesterol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) |
Cholesterol-lowering in infancy? Truswell, A. S. (1995), Lancet 345(8948): 468-9. |